Sunday, February 28, 2010

Chinese New Year Parade

Warren used to perform Lion Dancing since he's in high school. He practiced and performed in Chinese New Year parade every year until around 10 years ago. In the past few years, he did not bring us to the parade as he thought that the kids were too young. This year, he felt like to reconnect with his old team friends. I asked him if he could connect with his old team and have a performance in Spencer's school. He called his friends and then lined up the participation in the parade this year.

Yesterday, he took Spencer to Tony's house to help out making the float. Then, after we put the 2 kids to sleep for an hour. We headed down to downtown and looked for his friends. Both Spencer and Amanda were so excited to see the drum and the lion heads. They wanted to play the drum and I think that they could be good players in the future if we can train them well. Amanda seems to be quite aggressive and determined, she is stubborn and fearless. Spencer is passionate and learn fast but he needs a lot of encouragement and confidence.

The parade started at 5pm and we stood in the float truck. The kids were so happy to see people around and the lions performance. There're at least 20 lions in Warren's troupe. He said that his team members earned these lions from different competitions and all the major players are the 2nd generation of the troupe. Tony's son is 6 or 7 and he played in the parade, pairing up with another older boy to play the lion. I took a lot of pictures and videos. Although the standard of performance is no comparison with the professional or amateur players in Hong Kong and China, Warren's troupe members are pretty good.

My whole family had good times in the parade and the 2 kids are actually asking to go again. But one bad thing is that Amanda caught a cold and has been having high fever of nearly 103 degree since yesterday night. We need to give her half dose of the adult Tylenol to lower her temperature. Hope that she can break it tomorrow.

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