Wednesday, April 20, 2011

天梯 The Ladder of Love

四十年代重慶真人真事六歲的時候他認識了比他大十歲的她。 縱使受盡白眼和閒言閒語,在十六歲那一年他跟她說:「讓我照顧你一生一世好嗎?」 為了避開俗世,他們遠離塵世到深山定居,過著艱苦但快樂的生活。 上山下山步步艱難,為了怕妻子受傷,他決定用雙手開墾石級。 結果用了五十多年的時間,鑿了一條六千多級的石梯。 終於在02 年一隊登山隊發現了這條偉大的天梯和這個驚世的愛情故事。 故事主人翁劉國江先生在07 年與世長辭,她的妻子決定留在深山,終生與天梯廝守。 謹把此曲獻給建造這偉大的愛情天梯的劉國江先生。

A real story in the 40s in China - a 6 years old boy met his signature half who was 10 years older than him. Although there were so many rejecting voices and unfriendly looks, the boy told his girl friend when he was 16, "Let me take care of you for the rest of your life. Would you give me your hands?" She was just become a widow at that time. They went to the mountain and built up their own home there. Climbing up and down the mountain was pretty hard. To avoid his wife having accident, the man started to build a stone ladder with his bare hands. A ladder with more than 6000 steps was completed in 50 years. This ladder was discovered by a group of mountain climbers in 2002 and their story was then known. The man died in 2007 and his wife decided to stay in the mountain where their home was and where the old man was buried. This man was named Kwok-Kwong Lau and his wife was Chiu-Ching Chui. This song was written based on this great love story.

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