愛情天梯 : 50多年前的高滩村(现长乐村),迎来了一位美丽的姑娘,她叫徐朝清,那时才16岁,而刘国江仅仅只有6岁。一次意外磕断了刘国江的门牙。按照山里习俗,掉了门牙的孩子只 要被新娘子在嘴里摸一下新牙就会长出来。于是,在长辈的带领下,来到新娘子面前,纤巧丰润的小手轻轻地放到刘国江的嘴里,顿时感到滋润而羞涩,刘国江久久地深情地凝视着新 娘子。从此,徐朝清的模样就印在了刘国江的心中。 天有不测风云。10年后,徐朝清的丈夫患急性脑膜炎去世,她成了寡妇,独自带着4个孩子,最大的9岁,最小的才1岁,艰难地生活着。 寡妇面前是非多啊。刘国江出于善良和助人的心里,帮助徐朝清,担水劈柴,照顾小孩,什么都做,渐渐地双方感情的心火陡然升起。然而,在一个封闭且封建的深山小村中,社会和 世俗的压力对他们俩的打击是可想而知的。 承受着各种压力和打击,在艰难的生活中又度过3年多,双方都在接触中加深着感情。终于有一天,刘国江悄悄地走进徐朝清的家里,明确地告诉她:我要娶你!这使得徐朝清慌乱无 措。看着眼前这个比自己小10岁的小伙子,再望望自己4个孩子和四壁涂炭的茅舍,噙满泪水,深情地摇头婉拒。可刘国江的执着和勇气同时也感动了徐朝清,当晚俩人就带着孩子 私奔上山,在黑夜中摸索着前进,来到深山老林中的一个岩洞住下。后来才找到一个低矮的茅草房,一住就是50多年。 } 从此,刘国江和徐朝清以及四个孩子从村中消失,开始了孤苦而情深的生活。 寡妇、姐弟恋、私奔,逃离世俗的尘埃,为了那份纯真的爱情,双双辛勤耕耘着。
Friday, April 29, 2011
The Vogue Influencer Network is opening for new member
Wanna to join The Vogue Influencer Network and know the fashion & beauty trends, industry events and product samples, check the link here and click the icon. Welcome and good luck.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
陳艾玲 悲秋 -- 秋天的故事
陳艾玲 悲秋 -- 秋天的故事
曲:黃國倫 詞:黃國倫 主唱:陳艾玲 獨白:黃國倫
主唱:陳艾玲 由/詞:黃國倫 獨白:黃國倫
男白:我不知道,你是怎樣離去? 是悲傷無奈還是哭泣? 終於,我真的失去了你。 唉,該來的還是躲不及。
女白:你說分離,不需要原因。 一如相愛,沒有道理。 哼,我說你真的天真的可以呀! 我們相愛,何需要分離?
女唱:我在過去中尋找你,我在未來中等待你。 但是現在你在那裡,你在那裡? 我在記憶中尋找你,我在盼望中等待你。 告訴我你不會變心,不會離去。
男白:突然一切,都變得清晰。 迷夢一場,終於驚醒。 現在我才真正的知道。 唉,我是多麼愛妳!
合唱:我們的命運,早已註定。 你我都沒法抗拒。 就像美麗的故事,都是悲劇。 花好總須凋零。
女唱:我在過去中尋找你,我在未來中等待你。 但是現在你在那裡,你在那裡? 我在記憶中尋找你,我在盼望中等待你。 告訴我你不會變心,不會離去。
天梯 The Ladder of Love
四十年代重慶真人真事六歲的時候他認識了比他大十歲的她。 縱使受盡白眼和閒言閒語,在十六歲那一年他跟她說:「讓我照顧你一生一世好嗎?」 為了避開俗世,他們遠離塵世到深山定居,過著艱苦但快樂的生活。 上山下山步步艱難,為了怕妻子受傷,他決定用雙手開墾石級。 結果用了五十多年的時間,鑿了一條六千多級的石梯。 終於在02 年一隊登山隊發現了這條偉大的天梯和這個驚世的愛情故事。 故事主人翁劉國江先生在07 年與世長辭,她的妻子決定留在深山,終生與天梯廝守。 謹把此曲獻給建造這偉大的愛情天梯的劉國江先生。
A real story in the 40s in China - a 6 years old boy met his signature half who was 10 years older than him. Although there were so many rejecting voices and unfriendly looks, the boy told his girl friend when he was 16, "Let me take care of you for the rest of your life. Would you give me your hands?" She was just become a widow at that time. They went to the mountain and built up their own home there. Climbing up and down the mountain was pretty hard. To avoid his wife having accident, the man started to build a stone ladder with his bare hands. A ladder with more than 6000 steps was completed in 50 years. This ladder was discovered by a group of mountain climbers in 2002 and their story was then known. The man died in 2007 and his wife decided to stay in the mountain where their home was and where the old man was buried. This man was named Kwok-Kwong Lau and his wife was Chiu-Ching Chui. This song was written based on this great love story.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
COVERGIRL is celebrating 50th anniversary in the market
COVERGIRL is celebrating its 50th anniversary. For a person who is 50 years old, it is just an beginning of another stage in life. To COVERGIRL, it all depends on the needs of customers. Honestly speaking, I am not a super fan of the brand but a lot of COVERGIRL products are quality and totally affordable. If you are a beauty junkie like me, you possibly would have many different brands of beauty products at home. Check them out and you should not be surprised that there are a few of COVERGIRL items in your cosmetic pouch. Visit the COVERGIRL Facebook page and read what it is that makes you an easy, breezy, beautiful COVERGIRL. As part of the fun, they’ll be offering samples, fun quizzes, sweet rewards, monthly and quarterly prizes and amazing once-in-a-lifetime opportunities.
I am a Level 6 Sweet Bee BzzAgent, proudly involved in the COVERGIRL 50th anniversary project. I'm proud to be a BzzAgent and always happy to share my best experience.
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