Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Talent in China - a 23-year-old little girl's dream
Talent in China again - a 23-year-old girl who looks like a 11/12 years old. She is short, with a baby face and a little girl's voice. She participated in the talent show with the support of her 24-year-old boy friend. Her voice is angel-like and her smile is sweet.
When the judge asked her if her appearance is an obstacle of her love relationship. She said no and she believed that she will have her luck to find a good future as many people like her. She does not complain about her abnormality and she appreciates what she owns. Definitely, she will be happy as she chooses to.
Talent in China again - a 23-year-old girl who looks like a 11/12 years old. She is short, with a baby face and a little girl's voice. She participated in the talent show with the support of her 24-year-old boy friend. Her voice is angel-like and her smile is sweet.
When the judge asked her if her appearance is an obstacle of her love relationship. She said no and she believed that she will have her luck to find a good future as many people like her. She does not complain about her abnormality and she appreciates what she owns. Definitely, she will be happy as she chooses to.
Chinese Talent - a piano player with no arms
A Chinese young guy who had lost his arms in an accident when he was a teenager. He learnt to use his foot to do everything that he used to use his hands to do. He started learning piano when he was 19 and now he participated in a show "Chinese Talent" which is just like American Idols in US, You Get Talent in UK. His name is Wei Liu. He piano performance is much better than many people who have learned for so many years. More important is that he knows to appreciate life and what he owns, "I only have 2 choices - either to die or to live as good as I can". Definitely, he chooses the latter and decides to devote all his efforts to something that he likes. He wants to show to the others that he is not disabled.
A Chinese young guy who had lost his arms in an accident when he was a teenager. He learnt to use his foot to do everything that he used to use his hands to do. He started learning piano when he was 19 and now he participated in a show "Chinese Talent" which is just like American Idols in US, You Get Talent in UK. His name is Wei Liu. He piano performance is much better than many people who have learned for so many years. More important is that he knows to appreciate life and what he owns, "I only have 2 choices - either to die or to live as good as I can". Definitely, he chooses the latter and decides to devote all his efforts to something that he likes. He wants to show to the others that he is not disabled.
兩個選擇 (轉寄自一封電郵) Two Choices
但我的兒子,西恩,他無法像別的孩子一樣的學習,他無法像別的孩子一樣的理解事物~ 在我孩子身上,大自然的法則何在?
這個父親繼續說。我相信當像西恩這樣有身體及心智殘缺的孩子來到這個世界,是一個展現人類真實本性的機會。 而這一次體現在別人如何對待這個孩子。
接著,他說了下面這個故事: 西恩和我走過一個公園,裡面有些西恩所認識的男孩正在玩棒球。
西恩問我:"你想他們會讓我一起玩嗎?"我知道大部份的孩子不會想要有西恩這樣的孩子在自己的隊上, 但身為一個父親我同時也知道若他們能讓我兒子參加,這會讓他得到他所迫切需要的歸屬感並建立起自己 雖然是殘障仍能被接受的信心。
我走近一個男童(不抱太大希望的)問他西恩可否參加,他看看周圍的隊友然後說"我們輸了6分而現在正在第8局上, 我想他何以參加我們的隊,我們會 在第9局設法讓他上場打擊。”
西恩帶著滿臉的喜悅困難的走向他的球隊的休息區,穿上該隊的球衣,我悄悄的滴下眼淚而心中有滿滿的溫暖。 而那些男孩也看出了我對於兒子被接納的喜悅。
第9局上半場,西恩戴上手套防守右外野,雖然没有球往他的位置飛來, 但能在場上他已經很高興了,我從看台上向他揮手他笑的合不攏嘴。 在9局下,西恩的球隊又得分了。 而此時,二出局滿壘的狀況,下一棒是球隊逆轉的機會,而西恩正是被排在這一棒。 在這個重要關頭,他們會讓西恩上場打擊而放棄贏球的機會嗎?
讓人驚奇的是他們真的把球棒交給了西恩,大家都知道西恩根本不可能打到球, 因為他甚至不知道怎麼握球棒更別談碰到球了。然而當西恩踏上打擊位置, 投手已經明白對手為了西恩生命中重要的這一刻放下贏球的機會, 所以他往前走了幾步投了一個很軟的球給西恩讓他至少能碰一下。
第一球投出來,西恩笨拙的揮棒落空。 投手又再往前走了幾步投出一個軟軟的球給西恩。 當球飛過來西恩揮棒打出一個慢速的滾地球,直直的滾向投手。 球賽眼看就要結束。
投手撿起這軟軟的滾地球,他可以輕易的把球傳給一壘手讓西恩出局而結束這場球賽。 然而投手把球高高的傳往一壘手的頭頂上方通過,讓他所有的隊友都接不到。 每個站在看台上的人不管是那一隊的都開始喊著:"西恩,跑到一壘!跑到一壘!跑到一壘!" 西恩這輩子從來没有跑這麼遠過,但他還是努力跑到了一壘。
他踩上壘包眼睛張的很 大而且很驚喜。 每個人都喊著說:"西恩,跑向二壘,跑向二壘!" 剛喘過氣,西恩蹣跚的跑向二壘,很辛苦的往壘包跑。 這時,就在西恩往二壘跑時,右外野手拿到了球,這個全隊最矮的小子第一次有了成為隊上英雄的機會了。 他大可把球傳向二壘,但這個全隊最矮的小子了解投手的心意,所以他也把球故意高高傳過三壘手的頭頂過去。
當前面的跑者往本壘跑時,西恩跌跌撞撞的往三壘跑。 大家都大喊著,"西恩,跑,下去,跑下去。" 西恩能到達三壘是因為對方的遊擊手跑來幫忙將他帶往三壘的方向,而且喊著,"跑到三壘,西恩,跑到三壘。"
當西恩抵達三壘,雙方的選手和所有的觀眾都站起來,高喊著,"西恩,全壘打!全壘打!" 西恩跑回本壘踩上壘包時,大家為西恩大聲喝采就如他打了一個大滿貫並為全隊贏的比賽的英雄般。
但我的兒子,西恩,他無法像別的孩子一樣的學習,他無法像別的孩子一樣的理解事物~ 在我孩子身上,大自然的法則何在?
這個父親繼續說。我相信當像西恩這樣有身體及心智殘缺的孩子來到這個世界,是一個展現人類真實本性的機會。 而這一次體現在別人如何對待這個孩子。
接著,他說了下面這個故事: 西恩和我走過一個公園,裡面有些西恩所認識的男孩正在玩棒球。
西恩問我:"你想他們會讓我一起玩嗎?"我知道大部份的孩子不會想要有西恩這樣的孩子在自己的隊上, 但身為一個父親我同時也知道若他們能讓我兒子參加,這會讓他得到他所迫切需要的歸屬感並建立起自己 雖然是殘障仍能被接受的信心。
我走近一個男童(不抱太大希望的)問他西恩可否參加,他看看周圍的隊友然後說"我們輸了6分而現在正在第8局上, 我想他何以參加我們的隊,我們會 在第9局設法讓他上場打擊。”
西恩帶著滿臉的喜悅困難的走向他的球隊的休息區,穿上該隊的球衣,我悄悄的滴下眼淚而心中有滿滿的溫暖。 而那些男孩也看出了我對於兒子被接納的喜悅。
第9局上半場,西恩戴上手套防守右外野,雖然没有球往他的位置飛來, 但能在場上他已經很高興了,我從看台上向他揮手他笑的合不攏嘴。 在9局下,西恩的球隊又得分了。 而此時,二出局滿壘的狀況,下一棒是球隊逆轉的機會,而西恩正是被排在這一棒。 在這個重要關頭,他們會讓西恩上場打擊而放棄贏球的機會嗎?
讓人驚奇的是他們真的把球棒交給了西恩,大家都知道西恩根本不可能打到球, 因為他甚至不知道怎麼握球棒更別談碰到球了。然而當西恩踏上打擊位置, 投手已經明白對手為了西恩生命中重要的這一刻放下贏球的機會, 所以他往前走了幾步投了一個很軟的球給西恩讓他至少能碰一下。
第一球投出來,西恩笨拙的揮棒落空。 投手又再往前走了幾步投出一個軟軟的球給西恩。 當球飛過來西恩揮棒打出一個慢速的滾地球,直直的滾向投手。 球賽眼看就要結束。
投手撿起這軟軟的滾地球,他可以輕易的把球傳給一壘手讓西恩出局而結束這場球賽。 然而投手把球高高的傳往一壘手的頭頂上方通過,讓他所有的隊友都接不到。 每個站在看台上的人不管是那一隊的都開始喊著:"西恩,跑到一壘!跑到一壘!跑到一壘!" 西恩這輩子從來没有跑這麼遠過,但他還是努力跑到了一壘。
他踩上壘包眼睛張的很 大而且很驚喜。 每個人都喊著說:"西恩,跑向二壘,跑向二壘!" 剛喘過氣,西恩蹣跚的跑向二壘,很辛苦的往壘包跑。 這時,就在西恩往二壘跑時,右外野手拿到了球,這個全隊最矮的小子第一次有了成為隊上英雄的機會了。 他大可把球傳向二壘,但這個全隊最矮的小子了解投手的心意,所以他也把球故意高高傳過三壘手的頭頂過去。
當前面的跑者往本壘跑時,西恩跌跌撞撞的往三壘跑。 大家都大喊著,"西恩,跑,下去,跑下去。" 西恩能到達三壘是因為對方的遊擊手跑來幫忙將他帶往三壘的方向,而且喊著,"跑到三壘,西恩,跑到三壘。"
當西恩抵達三壘,雙方的選手和所有的觀眾都站起來,高喊著,"西恩,全壘打!全壘打!" 西恩跑回本壘踩上壘包時,大家為西恩大聲喝采就如他打了一個大滿貫並為全隊贏的比賽的英雄般。
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
「天空の城ラピュタ」 君をのせて/井上あずみ
Laputa's theme song sung by Inoue Azumi, the best voice to present this song. It really makes the movie perfect with this as the theme song.
It is not a successful animation movie. The story is so confusing and not consistent. I cannot really understand what it wants to explain. However, this song is really a well-sung one. The voice of the singer is just perfect to present the song.
哈爾的移動城堡是宮崎駿的作品中浪漫的一部, 主題曲世界的約定,一貫的好聽柔美,配合優美的畫面,叫人聽了心醉~
Howl's Moving Castle is one of the nice work of Hayao Miyazaki. It's a story about how a child grows up. Howl although is a grown up man, his heart is just a little child seeking for love and security. After he met Sophie that he finally find love and learnt to care.
米良美一 是男的... 雖然矮矮的,長的不好看,但是歌聲卻是一流,上天賦予他無懈可擊的歌喉真是用對地方~
Such a beautiful voice! Can you believe that it is a male voice? He is short, no nice face but a beautiful voice.
It's the theme song of Hayao Miyazaki's animation movie "Princess Mononoke".
The Music of the Night - Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman
Nighttime sharpens, heightens each sensation
Darkness wakes and stirs imagination
Silently the senses abandon their defenses
Helpless to resist the notes i write
For I compose the music of the night
Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendour
Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender
Hearing is believing
Music is deceiving
Hard as lightning, soft as candle light
Dare you trust the music of the night..
Close your eyes for your eyes will only tell the truth
And the truth isn't what you want to see
In the dark it is easy to pretend..
That the truth is what it ought to be...
Softly, deftly, music shall caress you
Hear it, feel it, secretly possess you
Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind
In this darkness which you know you cannot fight
The darkness of the music of the night
Close your eyes start a journey through a strange, new world
Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before
Close your eyes and let music set you free
Only then can you belong to me
Floating, falling, sweet intoxication
Touch me, trust me, savour each sensation
Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in
To the power of the music that I write
The power of the music of the night
You alone can make my song take flight
Help me make the music of the night
"search/rip/download to mp3 or mp4 this or any youtube video FAST and free at mp3ify.com"
Madonna - Evita - 06 Another Suitcase in Another Hall (1996)
I don't expect my love affairs to last for long
Never fool myself that my dreams will come true
Being used to trouble I anticipate it
But all the same I hate it, wouldn't you?
[Eva:] So what happens now?
[Che:] Another suitcase in another hall
[Eva:] So what happens now?
[Che:] Take your picture off another wall
[Eva:] Where am I going to?
[Che:] You'll get by, you always have before
[Eva:] Where am I going to?
Time and time again I've said that I don't care
That I'm immune to gloom, that I'm hard through and through
But every time it matters all my words desert me
So anyone can hurt me, and they do
[Eva:] So what happens now?
[Che:] Another suitcase in another hall
[Eva:] So what happens now?
[Che:] Take your picture off another wall
[Eva:] Where am I going to?
[Che:] You'll get by, you always have before
[Eva:] Where am I going to?
Call in three months time and I'll be fine, I know
Well maybe not that fine, but I'll survive anyhow
I won't recall the names and places of each sad occasion
But that's no consolation here and now.
[Eva:] So what happens now?
[Che:] Another suitcase in another hall
[Eva:] So what happens now?
[Che:] Take your picture off another wall
[Eva:] Where am I going to?
[Che:] You'll get by, you always have before
[Eva:] Where am I going to?
Don't ask anymore.
Madonna - Evita - 08 I'd Be Surprisingly Good for You (1996)
[Eva:] Colonel Peron
[Peron:] Eva Duarte
[Eva and Peron:]
I've heard so much about you
[Eva and Peron:]
I'm amazed, for I'm only an actress (a soldier)
Nothing to shout about (One of the thousands)
Only a girl on the air (Defending the country he loves)
But when you act, the things you do affect us all
But when you act, you take us away from the squalor of the real world
Are you here on your own?
Yes, oh yes
So am I, what a fortunate coincidence
Maybe you're my reward for my efforts here tonight
It seems crazy but you must believe
There's nothing calculated, nothing planned
Please forgive me if I seem naive
I would never want to force your hand
But please understand, I'd be good for you
I don't always rush in like this
Twenty seconds after saying hello
Telling strangers I'm too good to miss
If I'm wrong I hope you'll tell me so
But you really should know, I'd be good for you
I'd be surprisingly good for you
I won't go on if I'm boring you
But do you understand my point of view?
Do you like what you hear, what you see
And would you be, good for me too?
I'm not talking of a hurried night
A frantic tumble then a shy goodbye
Creeping home before it gets too light
That's not the reason that I caught your eye
Which has to imply, I'd be good for you
I'd be surprisingly good for you
Please go on, you enthrall me
I can understand you perfectly
And I like what I hear, what I see, and knowing me
I would be good for you too
I'm not talking of a hurried night
A frantic tumble then a shy goodbye
Creeping home before it gets too light
That's not the reason that I caught your eye
Which has to imply, I'd be good for you
I'd be surprisingly good for you
Madonna - Evita - 17 You Must Love Me (1996)
Where do we go from here?
This isn't where we intended to be
We had it all, you believed in me
I believed in you
Certainties disappear
What do we do for our dream to survive?
How do we keep all our passions alive,
As we used to do?
Deep in my heart I'm concealing
Things that I'm longing to say
Scared to confess what I'm feeling
Frightened you'll slip away
You must love me
You must love me
Why are you at my side?
How can I be any use to you now?
Give me a chance and I'll let you see how
Nothing has changed
Deep in my heart I'm concealing
Things that I'm longing to say
Scared to confess what I'm feeling
Frightened you'll slip away
You must love me
You must love me
You must love me
Madonna - Evita - 11 Don't Cry for Me Argentina (1996)
It won't be easy, you'll think it's strange
When I try to explain how I feel
That I still need your love after all that I've done
You won't believe me
All you will see is a girl you once knew
Although she's dressed up to the nines
At sixes and sevens with you
I had to let it happen, I had to change
Couldn't stay all my life down at heel
Looking out of the window, staying out of the sun
So I chose freedom
Running around, trying everything new
But nothing impressed me at all
I never expected it to
Don't cry for me Argentina
The truth is I never left you
All through my wild days
My mad existence
I kept my promise
Don't keep your distance
And as for fortune, and as for fame
I never invited them in
Though it seemed to the world they were all I desired
They are illusions
They're not the solutions they promised to be
The answer was here all the time
I love you and hope you love me
Don't cry for me Argentina
Don't cry for me Argentina
The truth is I never left you
All through my wild days
My mad existence
I kept my promise
Don't keep your distance
Have I said too much ?
There's nothing more
I can think of to say to you
But all you have to do is look at me
To know that ev'ry word is true
I'm not a big fan of Madonna but she really played good in Evita and I think that she deserved a Oscar award. It's just politics and conservatism that took her little gold man away. This is a very good song and Madonna did a nice job to present her emotion well.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
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