Tuesday, January 26, 2010

School Fundraising

These days, I have been busily preparing the online auction of my son's preschool. It's the biggest and major fundraising activity of the school. Last year, the school had raised $15,000 through this online auction. This year, we would like to see if we can keep this up. My husband is pretty against fundraising activity. He believes that the school is asking for too much, the parents who are in charge have their own agenda and they are not going to listen to other people's suggestions and comments. I agree partially. They have been in the school longer than we do. They have seen what work and what do not. Likely, some parents are close and they have made up their own mind before coming to the meeting. Sometimes, I feel left out too but I am willing to do my best to help out the school and I have been doing the similar kinds of work for 15 years before. By doing all these, I can find a lot of satisfaction and I enjoy all kinds of project-based tasks. What can be more enjoyable when you finish a project that you have planned it out, worked it through and finally gained a success?

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